
Source Sheets

Uri L’Tzedek’s Anti-Racism Campaign

Throughout 2020, Uri L’Tzedek, in partnership with Torat Chayim, will conduct a comprehensive and wide-ranging anti-bigotry campaign to combat latent racism among leaders and institutions in the Orthodox community. The campaign will have several phases which we will reveal more throughout the year. Phase 1 of the campaign is simply signing a pledge to never remain silent when observing racist behavior in the Orthodox community. Phase 2 will encompass eight webinars to learn about the extent of the problem, engage with peers, and learn best practices about how to address prejudice bubbling within our own communities.

Through education and action, we hope to make racism a thing of the past among Orthodox Jews in America!

You can read Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz’s op-ed on Racism in 2020   here.

Take the Pledge

The Uri L’Tzedek Pledge Against Racism in the Orthodox Community

I, the undersigned, as an Orthodox Jew committed to halacha  am aware of both the mandates to care for the widow, orphan and stranger and the frequent persecution brought upon my ancestors by the racialization of my people. Therefore, I pledge never to be silent when observing racist behavior exhibited by my fellow community members and racially charged community policies. 


Race in America Today

How the GI Bill’s Promise Was Denied to a Million Black WWII Veterans by Erin Blakemore

A Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates Revisits the Case for Reparations by the New Yorker

The 1619 Project, by The New York Times

Which People?: How “people of color” evolved from a gesture of solidarity and respect to a cover for avoiding the complexities of race, by Rachelle Hampton

Witness now, before it is too late by The Presbyterian Outlook

There Is No Apolitical Classroom: Resources for Teaching in These Times by Standing Committee Against Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English.

5 Ways White People Can Take Action in Response to White and State-Sanctioned Violence by Showing Up for Racial Justice

I Cannot Remain Silent By The Atlantics Mike Mullen

The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism by Audre Lorde

Black Jews, he says, ‘get traumatized twice.’ To cope, he painted their experience by PJ Grisar

Black People in Jewish Tradition: Eliminating Racism Requires Honesty by Prof. Meylekh (PV) Viswanath

Race in the American Jewish Community

Jews of Color Have Been Consistently Undercounted by the American Jewish Establishment. Until Now By Ari Feldman

Black Jews Are Being Chased Out of the Jewish Community by Racism. Here Are Their Stories By Nyla Burton

The Intersection of Racism and Anti-Semitism by Cherie Brown

Skin in the Game; How Anti-Semitism Animates White Nationalism by Eric Ward

Black Jews Feel ‘Alienated’ by Orthodox Whites after anti-Semitic Attacks by Doree Lewak

Orthodox Jews Against Racism

Civil Rights and the Dignity of Man by Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik

’Justice, Justice You Will Pursue?’: Orthodoxy and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965 by Lora Rabin Dagi. Excerpts.

For Black Orthodox Jews, Constant Racism in Exhausting by Chava Shervington 

Address on the Polo Grounds to Encourage his Congregants’ Participation in the March on Washington by Rabbi Pinchas Teitz

Racism Within the Jewish Community by Elisheva Rishon

I’m a white foster parent seeing racism through my black and brown children’s eyes by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Is it Time we Pay Slave Reparations? by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Spiritual resistance: Purge your own prejudices by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Starting Your Own Anti-Racism Practice (compiled by

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justiceby Corrine Shutack

Best Ally practices by Courtney Ariel

Being Antiracist by The National Museum of African American History & Culture 


How to Deconstruct Racism, one Headline at a Time

Baratunde Thurston

How Racism Makes Us Sick

David R. Williams

White Fragility

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

Me and White Supremacy

Layla F. Saad

Jews of Color & Joyous Activism! April Baskin Interviewed by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz

April Baskin

Anti-Racism Videos by Uri L’Tzedek

Is there Racism in the Orthodox Jewish Community?

Rabbi Shais Rishon

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #1

Orthodox Racism in the Age of Trump

Elad Nehorai

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #2

Disciples of Aaron: Racism in Halacha and Jewish Tradition

Yonason Perry

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #3

Implicit Bias In Our Synagogues

Rabbi David Jaffe & Yehudah Webster

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #4

Racism in the Global Age: Interactions between Jews and Non-Jews in Developing Countries

Rabbi Micha Odenheimer

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #5

Unity & Uniformity in the Observant Israeli World

Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #6

Celebrating Jewish-Latinx Dialogue

Dr. Analucía Lopezrevoredo and Eddie Chavez Calderon

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #7

How Can We Be Better Allies?

Ginna Green

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #8

How to Create a Welcoming Space for Jews of Color at Jewish Events

Jordan Daniels

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #9

Orthodox Allyship in Racial Justice: Leaning Into Uncomfortable Conversations

Nate Looney

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #10

Best Anti-Racism Practices

Ilana Kaufman

Uri L’Tzedek Anti-Racism Webinar #11