Ve-Nahafoch Hu:
Making Your Way Through an Upside-Down World

A Purim Reader

They were to observe [the days of Purim] as days of feasting and merrymaking, and as an occasion for sending gifts to one another and presents to the poor” (Esther 9:22).

Ve-Nahafoch Hu discusses the moment that the Jews of Shushan were saved in the nick of time, resulting in a day of celebrations and gratitude. But Purim is not only a day of feasting and merrymaking; it is much more. Megillat Esther, as well as its mitzvot and minhagim, touch on many of the most compelling issues of our time including the death penalty, consumerism, theories of ethics and responsibility, alcoholism, poverty, and economic injustice, structures of political organization, and taxes. The conversations are brought together in Ve-Nahafoch Hu: Making Your Way Through an Upside-Down World, a social justice Purim Supplement, which Uri L’Tzedek is pleased to present to the Jewish public.

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